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Top Universities for pursuing a Bachelor programme in Artificial Intelligence

Jam Campus Abroad

Top Universities for Artificial Intelligence

  • University of Groningen, Netherlands

The University of Groningen is a public research university in the city of Groningen in the Netherlands. The university was founded in 1614. Since its founding more than 200,000 students have graduated.

Bachelor of Science in Artificial Intelligence

Duration – 3 years

Commences in September

Tuition fees – € 28,800.00 approximately for 2 years (INR 24,14,125)

World Ranking (F.Y. 2021) – 81

  • University of Radboud, Netherlands

Radboud University Nijmegen is a public university with a strong focus on research located in Nijmegen, the Netherlands. It was established on 17 October 1923 and is situated in the oldest city of the Netherlands. The RU has seven faculties and enrolled over 24,678 students in October 2021, with 8% international students.

Bachelor of Science in Artificial Intelligence

Duration – 3 years

Commences in September

Tuition fees – €14,500 (INR 12,25,105) per year

World Ranking(F.Y. 2022)– 139

  • Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

The Nanyang Technological University (NTU) is an autonomous research university in Singapore. NTU is consistently ranked amongst the world’s best universities in all of the major college and university rankings.

Bachelor of Science in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence

Duration – 4 years

Commences in August

Tuition fees – S$17,650 (INR 9,91,338) per year

World Ranking (F.Y. 2022) – 46

  • Tilburg University, Netherlands

Tilburg University is a public research university specializing in the social and behavioral sciences, economics, law, business sciences, theology and humanities, located in Tilburg in the southern part of the Netherlands. Tilburg University has a student population of over 19,000 students, including 3,105 international students.

Duration – 3 years

Commences in End of August

Tuition fees – €9,000.00 (INR 6,86,486.25) per year

World Rank ( F. Y. 2020) – 201

  • Auckland University of Technology

Auckland University of Technology (AUT) is a university in New Zealand, formed on 1 January 2000 when a former technical college was granted university status. AUT welcomes 6,000 international students from 140 countries.

Bachelor of Computer and Information Sciences – Computational Intelligence Major

Duration – 3 years

Commences in mid February.

Tuition fees – NZ$35,200 (INR 26,84,924) per year

World Rank (F.Y.2022) – 365

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