Study at Aarhus University ranked in the world's top 100. Aarhus is Denmark's no. 1 student city, and you may live and study with 50,000 other students in the oldest and youngest city in Denmark. Aarhus was founded by Vikings in 948 AD but has the youngest population measured by age.
You may design your own programme and study research-based Master's programmes.
The annual tuition fee is between €8000 - €15000 and living costs in Aarhus are among the lowest in Denmark (approx € 1000/month). €
Work while you study
International students can work 20 hours/week and work full-time in June, July, August)
Work in Denmark after graduation
We help you prepare for an exciting career in Denmark. Students automatically get a 3-year job-seeking period with their study permit. What's more, Denmark boasts of an excellent work-life balance.
Here is a list of the Master's degree programmes taught in English:
IT, Electronics and Programming
Cognitive Science
Computer Engineering
Computer Science
Data Science
Electrical Engineering
IT Product Development
Technical Science, Construction and Development
Civil and Architectural Engineering Mechanical Engineering
Technology-based Business Development
Physics, Mathematics and Nanotechnology
Astronomy Mathematics
Mathematics– Economics Nanoscience
Physics Science Studies Statistics
Biology, Chemistry and Nature
AgrobiologyBioinformatics Biology
Biotechnology and Chemical Engineering Chemistry
Geology Geophysics Medicinal Chemistry Molecular Biology
Molecular Nutrition and Food Technology
Organic Agriculture and Food Systems(Double Degree) Quantum Technologies and Engineering, QuanTEEM (Erasmus Mundus)
Soils and Global Change (Erasmus Mundus)
Finance, Business and Management
Business Administration
Business Administration - Business Psychology Economics and Business Administration:
Business Intelligence
Strategic Value Chain Management
Commercial and Retail Management
Digital Business Management
Finance and International Business
Innovation Management
International Business
International Economic Consulting
Management Accountingand Control
Marketing Analytics and Strategy
Operations and Supply Chain Analytics
Strategy, Organisation and Leadership
Social Sciences, Politics and Economics
Economics and Management Human Security
Quantitative Economics
Language, Culture and History
Anthropology - Visual Anthropology English
European Studies Intercultural Studies Linguistics
Sustainable Heritage Management
Education, Psychology and Teaching
Children’s Literature, Media and Culture (Erasmus Mundus)
Media, Communication and Information
Journalism, Media, Globalisation (ErasmusMundus)
For Bachelor programmes at AU, please visit. https://www.jamcampusabroad.com/post/why-you-should-study-your-bachelor-in-denmark
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